Open Hearts Ministries India

My name is Ray Henley. I am thrilled that you are interested in joining an Open Hearts Ministries short-term mission trip to the country of India. Our focus in Northern India is discipleship. Our teams spend their ministry time pouring into the lives of local pastors and church leaders. We equip them to better preach and teach the gospel to those who are lost and in need of a Savior. It is our goal to thoroughly furnish the pastors of India to shepherd their flock. We believe that through the development of resources and teaching we will see souls added to the Kingdom of God through the local Indian church. The average length of our short-term trips are ten days. We schedule a trip in the spring and another in the fall. Because travel documentation and required immunizations must be secured prior to departure, we urge you to contact us as quickly as possible to partner with Open Hearts Ministries as a missionary to India. Contact me at or 1(870) 665-9297 to apply for a upcoming trip.