Open Hearts Ministries Kenya
JOIN a Team
“Go ye therefore, and teach all nations…”
Matthew 28:19
Open Hearts Ministries is committed to bringing the Good News of the gospel to the people of Kenya. We are building teams to make this commitment a reality. Through a short term mission trip, you can become the hands and feet of Christ in a culture where hope is in short supply.
“Father of the fatherless and protector of widows, is God in His holy habitation”. Psalm 68:5
Open Hearts Ministries is partnering with My Savior’s Children’s Home Orphanage in Mumias, Kenya to help meet the needs of the orphans and teachers in their care. We want to be an earthly reflection of the heavenly love God has for his children.
“Study to shew thyself approved unto God….”
2 Timothy 2:15
Through the selfless giving of fellow believers, Open Hearts Ministries has been able to build the facility to allow the existing primary school to offer the opportunity for the children in residence at the orphanage to complete their secondary education. Find out more about this exciting advance in the Kingdom.
Take a glimpse into the experiences of team trip to Kenya in our documentary Let’s Go Stories series. Watch the playlist bellow.