Meet Javier and Alba

Javier and Alba have been married since 2012. They have a beautiful baby boy, Imer. They attend The throne of the Grace church where Javier plays piano in their church worship band. Javier is a graduate of Enmanuel Mongalo y Rubio. They live in a community called Vielen Dank. 

Javier's testimony

In 1998 there was a really bad hurricane that came through Nicaragua. It caused flooding in a lot of areas, and thousands of people died due to landslides in the city of Leon. I was terrified. I didn't know what to do, but my parents were Christians and they shared with me about Jesus Christ. They told me about the danger we were facing from the hurricane, and if I were to die, I would spend the rest of eternity away from God. They continued sharing with me about Jesus' life. They told me about how he came from Heaven to Earth, lived a sinless life, and died, shedding his blood on the cross for our sins. They encouraged me in this decision and I just felt the need to accept him as my Lord and Savior of my life. So at my house, on October 17th, 1998, I received Jesus Christ into my heart for the very first time. After that, I didn't feel any more fear because I knew that if I died, I would go to heaven. 

Since surrendering my life to Christ, I have lived out a Christian life, loving God with all my heart. However, it hasn't always been easy. At that time, as a young boy, I had to work to help provide for my family. On account of the poor living conditions of my parents, I had to work hard. None of my siblings could go to college because my parents just couldn't afford it. They wanted us to succeed in life, and give us everything we wanted or needed, but due to the extreme poverty we were living in, it was impossible. You want to know the best part of all of this? My parents gave me the best gift ever; the blessing of getting to know God and his gift of salvation. 

In 2006, after I had grown in my relationship with Christ, God put me in a church to work as a youth pastor for a few years. In 2010, I had to travel to Costa Rica where I worked in order to support my family. When I came back, I had the opportunity to study English as a second language in a local academy. In March of 2012 God blessed me to work as a translator for a ministry. After being there for about three years, I was promoted to a full-time position within the same ministry.  

God has blessed me so much in my life. I met my beautiful wife in 2010, and we got married two years later. Together we have a wonderful son. We attend a church together where I play piano for our worship team. No matter where we are, or what we're doing, my wife and I want to make sure we're serving and honoring God with the gifts He has given us. I thank God for what He's done in my life, and for the things that He will do for me in the future.

alba's Testimony

Hello everybody. My name is Alba Luis Ruiz Torrez and I would like to share with all of you a little about my life before and after I met Jesus Christ. Before I received Jesus Christ, I was a very stubborn person. I was disobedient to my parents and didn't like to relate with people. I used to be hateful and was selfish. I didn’t even like myself.

At the age of 14, I went to high school and started to visit one of the churches in my community. The pastor from that church used to visit my family and he would share the Word of God with us. Still I wouldn't accept Him. At the age of 17, I felt the touch of the Holy Spirit deep in my heart and immediately I accept Him as my Lord and Savior. This happened at an evangelist campaign they celebrated in this church I mentioned before. After accepting Jesus Christ, my life change radically and now I don't have any more bitterness in my heart. Now I know that I love God with all my heart and love to go to church to praise His name.

Thanks be to God and to my parents that I had the opportunity to go to a technical school and study accounting there.  I’m currently working for an NGO called international compassion. In 2011, I met a guy named Javier. We fell in love with each other and two years later got married on January the 26th of 2013.  Now we are very blessed by God and have a son named Imer. I thank God for his love and for my family. I'm very glad, thank you!